Essere donna non è la ragione della capacità di comprensione, risposta a Amalia Ettori Finzi su La7
Mi spiace dover esprimere il mio disaccordo con quanto detto dalla signora Ercoli Finzi a "In onda estate" del 7 Agosto 2023 su La7,...
Thoughts about myself and everything what crosses my mind
Mi spiace dover esprimere il mio disaccordo con quanto detto dalla signora Ercoli Finzi a "In onda estate" del 7 Agosto 2023 su La7,...
The link between genetic, psychology and geopolitic English version below Sono capitata un po' per caso su questo articolo di "ll...
Everybody likes to be liked. Everybody likes to be praised and acknowledged. And being praised is good, it increases your self...
Making the best decision without having all the information available. Taking smart risks. Introducing a culture where people have the...
I am an INTP, and I am going to explain you myself. Different events shaped my life, but I would mention, in chronological order, three...
The Void. This is what comes to my mind when I participate to certain meetings where decisions about drug development approaches on the...
I am a founder. A serial founder. I have founded my first start-up over 15 years ago, coming out of ETH and while working in my first job...
Vas, I know your intentions are good, but I have reasons to think you do not really see what happens...The current understanding and...
...experienced in what then?? Experienced in something...the marketing, the finance, the technical part, the business, the "experienced"...
I struggled my own life trying to make sense of things, trying to make sense of me and the world and the people around me, trying to find...
I cannot hear it anymore, the "experienced team" selling proposition, as if it would have some kind of real value, especially if...
I have been away from this blog for a month, I knew from the beginning this would happen...that's how I am after all. Today I want to...
I desperately need a usb entry directly into the brain, to allow direct exchange of thoughts and information from-to my mind and a...
Here I am, I am a thinker...I walk around this empty city and I think. There is nothing I love more, the sun of the newly born Spring,...