Everybody likes to be liked. Everybody likes to be praised and acknowledged. And being praised is good, it increases your self esteem..who does not know this? So do more of it, to everyone, be kind, specially to those in your domain of "influence", help them grow, right?...but be aware, there is a line...
At a certain moment, you will start unselectively saying everyone how awesome they are, how well they can, what a wonderful founder team, what a great business idea, how successful they will be...by praising the others, you will gain power, they will listen to you, because they want to think that you are right (you must be right, because if you were not right, it would mean they are not awesome...and this cannot be, right?), so they will start telling around how good you are (since you tell they are good, you must know what you say...), how helpful and knowledgeable you are...so you will become an Authority...
But..at a certain point, you will get into some kind of "habit" modus, and you will forget to really look, to really understand if what you are saying is true, if it has real value...and in many cases it will not be...
So what is going to happen?
The system you have been contributing to create, where at the beginning the very best were empowered, will start changing, not only the best but also some mediocre representative will be featured, but it will profit of the reputation you worked to create, from the ecosystem, and all the people around will keep on thinking that, since those people are part of the ecosystem, they must be good, and give them credit...this is the beginning of the end...
...because the mediocre will not deliver, and the bubble crated around them will at a certain point bust, someone will start realizing they are not as good as they were supposed to be, and will start loosing trust in the entire ecosystem...(if one item is not delivering, wo guarantees that the others will?...)...
So be selective, there is a line between empowering individual, and endangering them as an effect of a un-selective ecosystem...